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Nedbank IMC

It’s Time For The Youth To Tell Us How To Work It

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“It’s all about the youth. We need to listen, encourage, connect and uplift.” This has been Dale Hefer’s mantra since taking over as Nedbank IMC CEO in 2018. 

In partnership with Brave Group, the Nedbank IMC is calling on youngsters (25 and under) to put on a brave face and tell marketers how they could make their marketing more youth relevant.

 “Brave Group, one of South Africa’s leading black-owned, independent advertising groups, is on a journey to connect with youth, and therefore our clients, better. This partnership further demonstrates our commitment to developing youth within the group and society as a responsible corporate citizen,” says Brave Group CEO, Karabo Songo. “We believe that Millennials and Gen Z are changing the course of brands, industry, and the world. However, for many brands in SA, the question on how you pin down true, genuine African content with global or Pan-African brands, still remains. Simply put, Great Story Telling,” he adds. 

Nedbank IMC
Karabo Songo, Brave Group CEO.

“The theme of the 2020 conference is ‘Marketing works. Work it’ and we want youngsters to tell us how to work it,” says Hefer. The initiative calls on anyone who is 25 or younger, to simply take a video of two minutes or less telling brands what they could do differently. They should then post their video to Twitter tagging @IMCCONF, @TheBraveGroupSA and #NedbankIMC2020.  

The three top entries will win tickets to the conference and their pitches will be screened on the day to over 600 of South Africa’s top marketers as well as those viewing the conference live stream on Facebook.

This year’s conference boasts international marketing game-changer Fernando Machado, Global CMO of Burger King, and Google Africa’s CMO, Mzamo Masito. 

“We are all for the youth and look forward to hearing from them first-hand!” adds Khensani Nobanda, Nedbank’s Group Executive Marketing and Corporate Affairs.

Book your spot at the Nedbank IMC 2020 with tickets available right now.