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Africa’s Green Economy Summit

US$1.5+ Billion Investment Pipeline At Africa’s Green Economy Summit

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AGES 2025: Building a climate resilient Africa – catalysing investment and innovation in the green and blue economies 

Sanlam Investments is proud to sponsor Africa’s Green Economy  Summit (AGES) 2025, scheduled to take place from 19-21 February 2025 at the Century City  Conference Centre in Cape Town. AGES is a premier event designed to connect global capital  with transformative green economy businesses and projects across Africa, ranging from  entrepreneurial start-ups to large-scale national infrastructure initiatives.  

Carl Roothman, CEO of Sanlam Investments, comments, “The theme of AGES 2025, Building a  Climate Resilient Africa: Catalysing Investment and Innovation in the Green and Blue  Economies, aligns perfectly with our sustainability north star.” 

“AGES presents a unique opportunity for global investors to engage with economically attractive  high-impact African initiatives, unlocking new pathways for sustainable growth. Last year,  investments were committed towards over 30 green projects valued at more than US$1.4 billion. This is why AGES is a vital platform for aligning capital with Africa’s green and blue  economy goals. In 2025, we need a unified focus on investing in solutions that address Africa’s  most urgent challenges, such as clean energy, resilient infrastructure and climate change, while  offering investors the prospects of compelling investment outcomes.” 

Leadership and Expertise at AGES 2025 

AGES 2025 will bring together leading voices in sustainability and finance, including: 

• Abel Sakhau, Chief Sustainability Officer, Sanlam Group, South Africa • Andrew Johnstone, Chief Executive Officer, Climate Fund Managers, the Netherlands Ibrahim Shelleng, Senior Advisor to the President on Climate Finance, Nigeria • Harsen Nyambe, Director of Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy, African Union,  Ethiopia 

• James Mnyupe, Presidential Economic Advisor and Hydrogen Commissioner,  Government of The Republic of Namibia 

• Seewraj Nundlall, Director, Economic Development Board, Mauritius • Geordin Hill-Lewis, Mayor, City of Cape Town, South Africa 

• Shameela Soobramoney, CEO, National Business Initiative (NBI) 

These experts will provide invaluable insights and practical guidance to help shape Africa’s  green economy and accelerate its transition to a climate-resilient future. 

Exploring green hydrogen and carbon market opportunities 

The global push for decarbonisation has made green hydrogen a cornerstone of sustainable  energy. Africa, with its abundant renewable resources, is well-positioned to lead in this field.  AGES 2025 will explore how investments and partnerships can unlock the potential of green  hydrogen for both local and global impact.

Additionally, a pre-conference masterclass on navigating carbon market opportunities will  provide participants with the tools to optimise carbon revenues and drive impactful climate  action. 

2025: Focused on impact 

The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) officially named 2024 the warmest year on  record. Given the pace of climate change and its continent-wide impact, Roothman hopes 2025  will bring renewed focus on these topics, many of which will be cornerstones of conversation at  AGES:  

Renewable energy expansion: A significant increase in solar, wind and hydro projects.  Sanlam Investments is supporting this through its own balance sheet as well as through  funds such as the Sustainable Infrastructure Fund, funding commercial, industrial and  utility scale projects, and the Resilient Investment Fund, backing SMEs like Energy  Partners to scale clean energy solutions. 

Green hydrogen leadership: Southern Africa becoming a global leader in green  hydrogen, unlocking both export and local energy opportunities, driven in Namibia and  South Africa by Sanlam Investments’ pioneering partner Climate Fund Managers. 

Capital harvest: Establishing agricultural cultivations from the ground up to help  generate jobs and support more households. 

Inclusive climate finance: Empowering SMEs and underrepresented groups to access  and leverage climate-focused investments, enabling all African communities to benefit  from green growth. 

Sustainable investment: More investments in projects and businesses that balance  growth with environmental responsibility, demonstrated through initiatives like the  Sanlam Living Planet Fund, in partnership with WWF. 

Blue economy initiatives: Harnessing Africa’s oceans and water resources for  sustainable economic growth, with Climate Fund Managers supporting Oceans Finance  Company (OFC) to close the world’s largest debt-for-nature swap which will help protect  the Galapagos Islands, one of the planet’s most vital ecosystems. 

Join AGES 2025 

The summit offers a unique platform to connect, collaborate and accelerate the green economy  across Africa. By bringing together global capital, cutting-edge solutions, and visionary  leadership AGES 2025 will play a key role in advancing Africa’s green transition. 

Roothman concludes, “Africa stands at the threshold of a transformative era. Sustainable  investing is evolving, and there is a growing need for investors to move beyond traditional ESG  considerations to focus on scalable and impactful investments. It’s time to stop talking and  thinking about policy and regulation alone – it is time for action. 

“From AGES, I want to see commitment to new, green opportunities for our country and the  continent. In South Africa, particularly, our country is prime for green investments – for one,  economically and secondly, we have the optimal climate, open landscapes, the sea, wind and  

sun. Currently, asset allocation towards these investments is insufficient. AGES offers a  platform for meaningful dialogue and actionable commitments to create lasting impact.” 

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