Entrepreneur Valerie Labi has developed an electronic bike that she says can be charged as easily as a mobile phone. Gig economy workers are her team’s main focus, as well as women vendors in northern Ghana and Togo. Ms Labi says she had noticed a gap in the market for small vehicles that could deliver the growing number of online orders, but which don’t pollute the air with petrol fumes. Wahu Mobility’s e-bikes cost $2,000 upfront, or customers can pay $30 per week for 24 months after which point they own the vehicle. “Whilst you pay the subscriptions, we give you delivery demand to make sure you earn enough [money] to take home for you and your family, and pay off the vehicle,” Ms Labi adds. She says production will begin by the end of the year, at a rate of 200 bikes per month.
A Quest for Cheaper, more Convenient, Safer Transport in Ghana
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