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Africa Initiative For Governance ‘AIG’ Commences 2021/22 Scholarships Selection Process

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Commends Access Bank & NCDC for support 

Africa Initiative for Governance (AIG) is pleased to announce that its 2021/22 AIG Scholarship Selection has commenced with aptitude tests conducted in Nigeria and Ghana.

The selection process for next year’s scholarships kicks off just as the six recipients of the 2020/21 AIG Scholarships departed West Africa for the United Kingdom to begin their MPP degree studies at the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government.

On 7th November, in-person aptitude tests were conducted in four locations – Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Accra.  The tests would not have been possible without the support of Access Bank in Nigeria and Ghana and Nigeria’s National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) who worked with us to ensure that exercise followed health and safety best practices. We are grateful for their partnership and support, which allowed us to maintain the strictest safety protocols during the administration of the tests.

This year, as in previous years, we recorded a strong turnout of high calibre candidates, and successful applicants will move forward to the next stage of our rigorous selection process. These candidates follow in the footsteps of the several worthy young Africans who have received the AIG Scholarships since 2016.

After graduation, AIG scholars are expected to return to their home countries and apply their new learning as change agents in the public sector, championing our cause for a transformed public sector that works for and in service of the people of Africa.

Their success is Africa’s success.  

We thank our partners who continue to demonstrate their commitment to a world that is better governed and served. 

When you partner with us, you share our vision for a better Nigeria, a transformed Africa.. 

Thank you, once again, for the support.