In the Democratic Republic of Congo, health professionals have much to do for this annual event. They raise awareness on the need and possibility to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases. According to the GAVI vaccine alliance, the DRC and Ethiopia had the largest number of zero-dose children in remote rural areas in 2020. To enable a maximum number of people to receive jabs, vaccination teams embark on perilous journeys. Indeed, some service providers have died as they tried to reach remote islets such as Birhende or the Idjwi island. “There are children that we can’t reach because some corners are remote. You can’t get to these areas even by using dugout canoes. During the day, there can be waves on the lake, it is difficult to travel. Still, we do what we can in spite of everything.” The Immunization coverage in the Democratic Republic of Congo has progressed thanks among other things to the Mashako 2.0 plan.