Located in Kenya’s Rift Valley, Lake Nakuru is known for attracting a wide diversity of wildlife to its algae-packed waters, including lions, leopards, and swarms of feeding flamingos. Although rising water levels over the past few years have led to a drop in salinity, and therefore, fewer lanky pink visitors, the protected area is still a sight to behold. Lake Natron, Tanzania, is a Salt Lake sure is beautiful to look at, but its hellish 120-degree temperatures and dangerously low pH levels make it a less-than-ideal vacation spot. There is one major upside: The surplus of scarlet-hued algae attracts millions of flamingos, making the area one of the species’ major breeding grounds. Crystal-clear Lake Malawi is the third-largest lake in all of Africa, which makes its coastline feel more like a tropical beach than anything else. Perhaps that’s why the lake is an under-the-radar favorite of honeymooners—particularly ones who enjoy unfussy accommodations and adventures like diving and kayaking.