Enhanced Safari Visitor Experience in Kruger’s North

A new gate in South Africa’s Kruger National Park is expected to boost tourism to arguably one of Africa’s best Big Five safari locations. The Shangoni Gate project, to be completed in two phases, is set to be a boon for the region to enhance the local economy and the Kruger National Park experience. Currently, there are nine public access gates in Kruger. Launched in 2016 and funded by South Africa’s Department of Tourism with an investment of R25 million, the project has faced considerable delays due to the location of the gate’s entrance. The entrance was only decided at the beginning of March, as the surrounding communities wanted to ensure they would benefit from the gate’s economic potential. Essential infrastructure within the park is now complete as part of the first phase. This includes a reception area, shops, public restrooms, visitor parking spaces, and camping and picnicking facilities —all designed to enhance the safari visitor experience.


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