In the capital, Nairobi, motorcycle taxis or boda bodas are the easiest and cheapest means to navigate Nairobi’s dense traffic. One startup, Roam Motors, is working to tackle climate change and mobility by curbing air pollution. The company produces electric motorcycles that run on two rechargeable batteries. The batteries can be charged at any charging point, each battery can drive for around 90 kilometers, meaning both batteries, when fully charged, can travel for about 180 kilometers. The batteries take about four hours to fully charge. The bike ranges from $1,550 upwards depending on the client’s demands. Manufacturing electric vehicles can be costly, but the company is able to produce the bikes cheaply because it owns the frame. This gives them the right to use their frame without paying royalties. They do however import other necessary parts and assemble them in Kenya. Another reason why they’re able to produce cheaply is because of tax relief from the Kenyan government to companies that produce locally. The firm has entered Prince Williams competition, Earthshot, which offers $1.2 million in prize money to the winners of five separate categories: nature protection, clean air, ocean revival, waste elimination and climate change. The winners and all 15 finalists also receive help in expanding their projects to meet global demand.