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Ivorian City Gets Pop of Art

  • Top 10 News
  • 1 min read

Yellow, red, green… this is the new face of the town of Abobo after the operation “Abobo ê zo,” which means “Abobo is pretty!” An operation initiated by the town hall and financed by private and public companies from Côte d’Ivoire. More than a hundred craftspeople were mobilised on the life-size building site. The aim of this vast operation is to give a breath of fresh air and offer a healthy environment to the inhabitants of the most populated commune in Ivory Coast. More than 269 buildings have been refurbished to transform the downtrodden commune whose backdrop was a visual reminder of 2010 post-election crisis violence. The project – launched on July 2nd, took two months to cover an area of almost 500,000 m2. Further sanitation and rehabilitation work is in view and the abobolese façades have also become an apprenticeship field for about a hundred young people in the decoration and painting trades.