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Media Statement: Police Chairperson Condemns the Handling of Khayelitsha Resident by VIP South African Police Service (SAPS) Officers

  • APO
  • 3 min read

Republic of South Africa: The Parliament

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police, Mr Ian Cameron, has strongly condemned the mishandling and maltreatment of a Khayelitsha man in his own home by the South African Police Service VIP protection unit members. While the Chairperson acknowledges that ensuring the security of the protectee is paramount, it should be done within reason and the confines of the law. The incident is worrying in the context that eight officers of the same unit have been on suspension for over a year for assaulting members of the public on the N1 in Gauteng.

“It is untoward that the VIP protection unit members acted irrationally and outside the limit of their power. Also, the incident puts into question the security protocols around a VIP and whether those protocols are followed,” Mr Cameron said.

While the incident highlights the need for effective and enhanced training for VIP SAPS officers, especially as it relates to the abuse of power, it also highlights the irrationality of the SAPS’s continued focus on budget allocation for VIP protection.

“It is undeniable that the SAPS spends an inordinate amount of money protecting a few politicians despite the rampant crime in areas like Khayelitsha, Nyanga and Langa. Ordinary citizens are then prevented access to their elected representatives by these security officials. This then puts into question who the public representatives are really representing,” Mr Cameron said.

The committee has highlighted the need for accountability within the SAPS in its previous engagement, especially considering the number of incidents involving SAPS members and their abuse of power.

Also, increased funding for the Independent Police Investigative Directorate is needed to ensure accountability at all times. The committee will schedule a meeting to find out progress on the disciplinary proceedings against the eight SAPS VIP officers who assaulted a civilian on the N1. The committee will use that meeting to get an update on any cases against the SAPS VIP unit to ensure accountability.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Republic of South Africa: The Parliament.