In a new documentary series, Made by Design, Netflix explores the ins and outs of African design with an initial focus on Nigeria. Providing an immersive look at the lives of 13 prominent designers, it aims to enlighten viewers about the diversity and complexity of African design. For the uninitiated, each episode touches upon the various diversities in the realm of design: we are immersed into the life of 13 Nigerian designers, who are all opinion leaders in their own right, with pristine portfolios to match. The show’s disquisition addresses the misconstrued narrative of Nigerian design, not because of lack of notoriety, but rather amplifying the voices of the designers and how they believe the narrative should be told. ‘The story about African design has been told for so long I decided to create this project to take back our narrative and showcase the true meaning of African design,’ says Ogufere, who founded Lagos Design Week in 2019 and is current president of the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers.