Niamey, Bamako, and Ouagadougou have officially withdrawn from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), marking a historic shift in regional politics. The three junta-led nations first announced their departure a year ago, after the bloc tried to force a return to democratic rule. Despite their withdrawal, ECOWAS has urged member states to continue extending certain privileges, such as allowing free movement under the ECOWAS passport. The regional bloc, established in 1975, has long been a cornerstone of economic and political cooperation in West Africa. However, the three countries, which face security and governance challenges, have instead formed the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), a security-focused partnership created in September 2024. Their exit signals a growing divide in West African geopolitics, with potential implications for regional stability, economic collaboration, and future diplomatic engagements.
Source: Aljazeera