Provocative Photographer Mous Lamrabat Subverts North African Stereotypes

For Moroccan photographer, Mous Lamrabat, humor is at the core of his works. Even so, his images’ clever blending of North African and Muslim traditions with Western branding also results in works that are slyly thought-provoking. Existing and creating between many worlds — Moroccan, Berber, African, European, Muslim — led Lamrabat to create his own “Mousganistan” — a colorful universe where the North African diaspora finally feel at home. Here, McDonald’s golden arches become henna and Mexican wrestling masks accessorize caftans. The past year has seen the artist in high demand, exhibiting in Abu Dhabi, Paris, Lagos and Amsterdam and shooting covers for magazines including Nataal, Stylist and Tush, as well as a campaign for YSL Beauty.


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