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SIM SENEGAL Returns For Its 6th Edition

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Senegal: an emerging & diverse mining destination 

The 6th edition of the biennial event, SIM SENEGAL, will take place from 03-05 November at the Hotel King Fahd Palace, in Dakar, Senegal. This three-day event is organized by the Ministry of Mines & Geology, Senegal in association with AME Trade Ltd. The main theme will be “Mines and Geology: what are the benefits for the affected communities?” The 2020 edition will focus on new developments and investment for the growth and expansion of the Senegalese mining sector.

SIM Senegal event is one of the largest mining events in West Africa and is the only mining event supported by the Senegalese government dedicated to expanding the country’s mining sector. The 5th edition of SIM SENEGAL happened in 2018 and was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Senegal, Mr. Macky SALL. The event gathered over 2320 visitors, 512 delegates, 92 exhibitors and 94 speakers from 30 countries.  

SIM SENEGAL 2020 features: 3-day trade event, 2-day conference with roundtable and interactive conference sessions and networking events: cocktails and gala dinners. The 6th edition adds a dedicated B2B area and new meeting application. SIM Senegal is a regional event and the biggest mining event in North West Africa, high level delegations are expected to attend from Mauritania, Guinea, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Togo and Benin.

Senegal has a diverse portfolio of mineral resources, excellent port and road infrastructure, a skilled workforce, as well as being the financial hub of Francophone West Africa. Senegal has diverse mineral resources in different stages of development. Amongst the country’s strategic goals for 2023 include: becoming one of the TOP 7 gold exporters in Africa (production of 18 tonnes), developing into the TOP 3 of African phosphate producers (annual production of more than 3 million tonnes) and attaining the level of the 4th global producer of zircon (90,000 tonnes per year). Senegal’s has recently relaunched the integrated Falémé iron ore project with a Turkish partner and has recently finished a study on the exploration and utilisation of construction materials.  

In addition, Senegal aims to strengthen the knowledge of mineral resources, develop the mining potential in a responsible and sustainable manner for the benefit of all, strengthen and modernize the control and monitoring of mining operations, and enhance the value of local content to optimize socio-economic benefits. 

The 2020 participants can register to attend SIM SENEGAL 2020 as: Delegate, Sponsor, Exhibitor and as a Speaker via the official website or by contacting the team by email

Emily H., from Toro Gold, attended the 2018 edition, says that it’s important for us to come to this kind of event because we want to show our support for the industry. It gives us access to all sorts of suppliers and other actors in the industry. It’s a great opportunity to meet everyone and it’s a good way of doing business”. 

Rokhaya S. M., from Minex, mentioned “We’ve exhibited at SIM for the past 10 years. Every year there are more exhibitors and visitors which allows us to have easy contact to our clients from across the region”