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The Threat Of Covid19 What Face Are African Youth Putting On Social Media

By William Jackson, M.Ed. 

Listening to the recent Webinars directed at women leadership on the African continent by women is vital to providing girls and women opportunities for safety, access to medical care, equitable educational access, integration of STEM, STEAM, STREAM to build the
continent of Africa to be a leadership role model for the world. The United States administration is many cases should be modeling what is going on in Africa.

Using the hashtag #VirtualConferenceAfrica listening to young ladies like Natasha Wang Mwansa of Lusaka, Zambia and her inspiring knowledge and seeing her energy is phenomenal. Thanks to and the leadership of Teresa H. Clarke, Chair and CEO of This session “Women are Providing to Be Great Leaders During COVID-19. Is the Pathway to Power? The global pandemic has affected billions of people around the planet. The majority of news agencies have been reporting
strategies similar to war-time to slow the progression of this deadly disease.

Africa has not been spared from this murderous event,  and families, communities, cities and nations are self-isolating themselves in historic numbers. The development of digital technologies designed to allow for communication and connections are inspiring African youth in creating content that shares their feelings, ideas, creativity and innovation. 

The increase in young African bloggers  are building digital influencers that are sharing necessary skills of using tech to build new monetary streams of income to support their families. Digital platforms are allowing youth to communicate on platforms that offer chances to change behaviors, influence thinking and bring information to mobile devices that can
potentially save lives. The world is a global market place for intellectual sharing, African youth are learning that careers and growth are coming
from intellectual content development not through traditional lifestyles of agriculture and farming. 

So much is based on intellectual design that even the US government is monitoring content from Africa. Not allowing Africans to travel to the US because of perceived security issues that are false is making America look foolish. African young people are building business relationships that challenge the thinking, creativity and innovative designs to build beyond what is seen to what can be dreamed. As a parent and experiences as a Social Media advocate, blogger and speaker I encourage youth to follow their dreams and explore new opportunities to network, collaborate, share and build.

Not to be afraid to learn and then apply that learning in business and entrepreneurism. Not to be scared to fail because failure builds courage, experience and drives the desire to succeed. The recent online webinars, “Leadership In Times of Crisis, Crafting Strategy in the Face of Uncertainty” and “This Isn’t the West – How Africa’s Informal Sector Reacts to COVID-19.” Showing African youth and adults that success is there, they have to work smarter for it. African parents are the first role models, the first educators, the first mentors and teachers for their children. So parents need to remember if they are not teaching their children they are putting them behind others that are teaching their children to value of education, creativity and innovation.

African parents must consider “What Face Are African Youth Putting on Social Media” and the consequences that will follow both good and bad. Parents hould be proactive as much as possible and set realistic expectations for behaviors online, have honest discussions with their children about the potential hazards, dangers.

The Internet is a representation of life, there is good, bad, evil and places where youth, teens and young adults should not go. There are places of encouragement, collaboration, cooperation, safety, building foundations for Professional Learning Networks (PLN) and Professional Learning Communities (PLC) that provide African youth a foundation with mentors and role models that can be found on the recent webinars.

The future greatness of Africa has always been reliant on it’s youth, teens and young adults to learn, grow and be engaged in all processes to build Africa. To dream the dreams of innovation, discovery, research, building communities of prosperity and providing new streams of business, ecommerce, building of progressive growth and Africa preparing for the future. COVID19 may just be the push Africa needs for it to see greatness in the future and global influences in multiple influences around the world.

Natasha Wang Mwansa of Lusaka, Zambia has made reference for African youth, teens and young adults to take advantage of these times for growth to be the future leaders Africa will need in the future. Education is the key and governments must be willing to allow African youth to contribute and do the necessary works to make societal improvements. To follow the discussion:

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