Ayomide ‘Mimi’ Aborowa began collecting magazines as a young girl growing up in Lagos, Nigeria. But she also noticed something that was lacking from most publications’ coverage: cities in Africa. Years later, while working at an app company that produced guides to cities around the world, Aborowa sat in a meeting where Cape Town, South Africa, was suggested as a place to feature. “I got excited because an African city came up,” says Aborowa. “However, someone on the team asked whether people in that city had access to phones.” Offended by the comment, Aborowa decided to create an Instagram account spotlighting African cities. Taking inspiration from the Yoruba word for travel, Ayomide named her magazine Irin Journal, launching it in 2019. Her vision? To feature African cities from every region on the continent, starting with her hometown of Lagos followed by Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and beyond.