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Trump Administration Poised to Advance Somaliland’s Bid for Recognition

  • Top 10 News
  • 1 min read

Somaliland’s aspirations for international recognition may finally gain momentum as Donald Trump prepares to return to the White House. Support for the country has grown among Republican policymakers, think tanks, and potential advisors on Africa. This, coupled with expectations that the Trump administration will prioritize strategic interests in the Horn of Africa region, bodes well for the country’s recognition by the US. Such recognition would further US interests in the region. Apart from bolstering US intelligence operations near volatile regions like Yemen, the move will also counter China’s influence, given its Djibouti military base. Somaliland’s democratic strides, including a peaceful November election, further improve its case. However, the move could further destabilize the region by intensifying tensions with Somalia and drawing criticism from the African Union. Ethiopia, already collaborating with Somaliland, might benefit from this recognition. However, analysts warn that the US will approach any partnership transactionally.



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