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WEF 2022 Key Takeaways for Africa

Back from a two-year hiatus, world leaders from government, business and civil society attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Usually held under a blanket of snow, this year’s event forced delegates to get on with it minus distractions of snow-related delays. Appropriately themed, History at a Turning Point: Government Policies and Business Strategies, the conference was a reflective session of where the world is on its timelines and where it should be going regarding key issues brought on by climate change, the pandemic and war. The effects of the covid-19 pandemic has forced the world to shift, accelerate and refocus and delegates discussed how to do this under the sub themes of: Climate and Nature; Fairer Economies; Tech and Innovation; Jobs and Skills; Better Business; Health and Healthcare; Global Cooperation Society and Equity.’s senior news editor selected the six most important Africa-related highlights.