The former First Lady of Zambia, Esther Lungu, and her daughter, Chiyeso Katete, have been arrested by the authorities for ownership of several properties, worth over $2 million, suspected to be proceeds of crime. The arrests, as well as that of Charles Phiri, a relative, took place on Thursday in Lusaka. The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) claims Ms. Lungu failed to explain how she acquired 15 double-story flats, valued at $1.5 million, in Lusaka. Her daughter faces additional charges for acquiring another estate and other high-value properties. The authorities released them on bond, but the family’s patriarch, former President Edgar Lungu, has since announced that they would challenge the charges in court. This is not the first time Ms. Lungu has faced legal issues. Last year, she was arrested on corruption charges involving motor vehicle theft and title deeds.