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Zimbabwe Mine Owned by Chinese Firm Sparks Environmental Concerns

Chinese-owned Sino Africa Huijin Holdings faces scrutiny in Zimbabwe over environmental destruction and community harm linked to its gold mining operations in Mutasa District of Manicaland. Residents report severe ecological damage, dust pollution, and contamination of water resources from cyanide leaching, alongside structural damage to homes from blasting at the mine. Additionally, there were allegations that the company forged community signatures on its environmental impact assessment documents, further fueling distrust of its operations. Government task forces temporarily shut down operations twice in 2024 due to non-compliance with environmental and social obligations. However, the company was allowed to resume after meeting with government officials and community leaders. According to Manicaland’s minister of state, Sino Africa Huijin pledged to adhere to all mining and environmental regulations and fulfil its social responsibility to the local community. Nevertheless, concerns persist that the company’s operations will continue to damage the environment.

Source: VOA