The 22 Richest Men have More Wealth than all the Women in Africa

Oxfam International is calling on governments to implement policies that ease the burden on women who provide care for children and the elderly, often for little or no pay. Oxfam suggests higher taxes on the wealthy, and more spending by national governments on child- and health care. Global inequality is “out of control” because of biased economic systems that exclude many women while allowing billionaires to amass huge fortunes that do little for society, according to the charity. Oxfam’s annual report on inequality was released ahead of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, which each year brings together many of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people. The 63-page report argues that world leaders are not doing enough to address the widening gap between the poor and the rich. It focuses this year on policies that allow men to dominate the top ranks of business and government.


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